Living with a sensory loss can impact on many aspects of day to day life. Here at VisionPK our aim is to offer the right help and support for you to live as independently as possible. 

Our expert team is here to offer advice and practical help as well as working with other organisations and services to ensure that you receive the support you need now and in the future. 

It’s quick and easy to access our services. You can click here to visit our referrals page. For more information you can call us on 01738 626 969, contact us via Contact Scotland BSL  or email us 


Sight Loss

everything you need to know about vision impairment and sight loss 

Hearing Loss

everything you need to know about hearing impairment and deafness

Information & Advice

find out where and when you can drop in for information and advice

Support for Children and Young people

How do I access support for Children and Young people?

Carers’ Support

Help, support and advice if you care for someone with a sensory impairment

Sensory Awareness Sessions

Sensory awareness sessions for carers, professionals and organisations

Perth Talking News

All the news from Perth & Kinross in a friendly format

Benefits & Concessions

Find out what you’re entitled to

Work & Employment

Supporting people with a sensory impairment to find and continue in work

Resource Centre

Our range of products and equipment for those with a sensory impairment

Community Talks & Presentations

Invite us to talk to your organisation or group about sensory impairment

Latest News

Read the latest news and updates from VisionPK.

Our news

Fundraising Promotion

VisionPK is moving!

Fundraising Promotion

Read Our Latest Newsletter!

Awareness Week Fundraising Hearing Loss Help and Advice Vision

Wee Spring Fair


Summer Raffle

Business Fundraising Promotion

Our Strategy 2024-27

Fundraising Promotion

Read Our Latest Newsletter!